Media Releases
Bloemfontein, 20 August 2024 – The Free State Legislature concluded the final phase of Budget Votes with the tabling of the three Departments and the Legislature under the theme: “Celebrating 30 years of an activist Legislature that Champions Democracy”
The business of the house included tabling of each Department followed by Debates by Members of the Legislature as well as the replies to the debates in the following order:
1. The Second Reading, Debate on Appropriation Bill [B2-2024]: Vote 12: Sport, Arts Culture & Recreation by the MEC, Hon. Zanele Sifuba
2. The Second Reading, Debate on Appropriation Bill [B2-2024]: Vote 4: Treasury by the MEC, Hon. Ketso Makume
3. The Second Reading, Debate on Appropriation Bill [B2-2024]: Vote 1: Department of the Premier, by the Premier, Hon. MaQueen Letsoha-Mathae
4. The Second Reading, Debate on Appropriation Bill [B2-2024]: Vote 2: Free State Legislature, by the Speaker of the Legislature, Hon. Mxolisi Dukwana.
All these activities were held at the Fourth Raadsaal, coinciding with the Legislature’s celebration of the women’s month and the 30 years of South Africa’s democracy breakthrough of 1994.
In concluding these process, the Legislature was successful in fulfilling some of its key Constitutional obligations, of Legislation and Oversight and Public Participation, by ensuring that more and more people are always involved in our activities.
“An activist Legislature that champions democracy”
For more information:
Life Mokone
Spokesperson and Head of Communication and Marketing
Free State Legislature
Ad-Hoc Committee for nomination of the Public Service Commissioner concludes the process of interviewing candidates for the position of Public Service Commissioner – Free State.
14 August 2024, Bloemfontein
The Ad-Hoc Committee for nomination of the Public Service Commissioner, Free State Province, led by the Chairperson and Deputy Speaker of the Free State Legislature, Hon. Nolitha Ndungane, concluded the process of interviews for six (6) shortlisted candidates.
This process was initiated by the Ad-Hoc Committee towards the end of the 6th Provincial Legislature, and was halted due to the 2024 National and Provincial elections, held on the 29th of May 2024.
On the 8th of July 2024, the Legislature issued a notice to the Media and the public, to communicate the re-constitution of the Ad-Hoc Committee for the 7th Provincial Legislature as well as the re-instatement of the process, in line with the Standing Rules and Orders.
The Public Service Commission derives its mandate from Section 196(10) of the Constitution which requires the Premier to nominate and recommend to the President of the Republic of South Africa, a fit and proper person in accordance with prescripts as set out in terms of Section 196(8)(b) for appointment as the Public Service Commissioner – Free State Province.
The Chairperson highlighted that perspectives espoused by each candidate regarding need to strengthen the work of the Public Service Commission is a reflection of deep admiration the candidates have in serving the people of our province.
The Committee will now follow internal processes of the Legislature to table before the House, its recommendation in terms of which candidate is nominated for the position of Public Service Commissioner – Free State Province.
The Chairperson, Hon. Ndungane, expressed great appreciation to all candidates for showing interest in the position of Public Service Commissioner – the Free State.
“An activist legislature that champions democracy”,
The Free State Legislature convened a successful induction workshop for new and returning members over the past two days. The programme was aimed at preparing and coaching new and returning members of their roles and responsibilities for the immense and intense work that lies ahead in the seventh term. The induction also focused on familiarising members with the structures, processes, and procedures of the legislature. Members received presentations on the constitutional role, functions, financial management, code of conduct, ethics and standards.
The object of these presentations was to enable members to efficiently represent their constituencies and to advance the vision of an activist legislature that champions democracy. Our members are now highly motived to begin a journey that is filled with purpose.
An Activist Legislature that Champions Democracy
08 July 2024
To All Media Houses
Bloemfontein – The Speaker of the Free State Legislature Hon Mxolisi Dukwana, has convened the first session of the House
Free State Legislature moves to re-instate the process for the nomination of the Public Service Commissioner for the Free State. Chapter 10 of the Constitution, 1996 establishes the Public Service Commission as an independent institution. Its roles is to promote the principle of public administration with the public service. It also focuses on playing oversight on public administration as one of the key institutions supporting democracy.
Members of the Public Service Commission are appointed in terms of the recommendation of the National Assembly and one member is appointed from each of the nine provinces after nomination by the Premier of the Province. The PSC is accountable to the National Assembly and also reports to the Legislature on its activities.
The House is expected to resolve on the constitution of the Ad-hoc Committee for the reinstatement of the nomination process of the Public Service Commissioner. The process will be conducted in terms of Rule 252 of the Standing Rules & Orders of this House, read
with Section 4 of the Public Service Commission Act, 1997 (Act No. 46 of 1997) The House will also move to determine the total remuneration package of the Premier of the Free State Province, for 2023/2024 financial year and 2024/2025 financial year. This
is done in terms of Section 6(1) of the Remuneration of Public Office-Bearers Act, 1998 (Act No. 20 of 1998) and proclaimed, by the President of the Republic of South Africa, in the Government Gazette No. 50757, dated 5 June 2024. The House will also move to elect one of its Members as a Trustee Representative of the Members of the Free State Legislature in the Board of the Political Office-Bearers Pension Fund and another as Alternate Trustee Representative of Members of the Free State Legislature in the Board of the Political Office-Bearers Pension Fund.
Details of the Sitting are as follows:
Venue: Fourth Raadsaal, Bloemfontein.
Date: 09 July 2024
Time: 14H15.
For further Enquiries contact:
Mr. Life Mokone
Spokesperson and Head of Communication
Free State Legislature
Tel: (051) 407 1100
Cell: 076 231 6810
Bloemfontein – The Speaker appoints Programming Committee
In accordance with Rule 235 (1) of the Standing Rules and Orders, Tenth Edition,
The Hon. Speaker, Mr. MA Dukwana, has appointed the Programming Committee
as follows:
1. Hon. MA Dukwana; (Chairperson)
2. Hon. NL Ndungane; (Deputy Speaker)
3. Hon. K Makume; (LoGB)
4. Hon. MD Khoabane; (Chief Whip)
5. Hon. NJ Garekoe; (Deputy Chief Whip)
6. Hon. TP Meeko; (Chair of Chairs)
7. Hon. Z Sigwebela: (Whip)
8. Hon. D van Vuuren; (Senior Whip)
9. Hon. M Msimanga; (Senior Whip)
10. Hon. A Cloete; (Senior Whip)
11. Hon. MJ Foko; (Senior Whip)
12. Hon. MD Mkhabela. (Senior Whip)
The Committee held its first meeting today to consider the programme for
2024/25 financial years.
The Programming Committee is a very important component of the Legislature in
that it is responsible for drawing up the programme for the 7th Provincial
Legislature. The essence of the programme is to ensure efficiency and productivity.
It takes into consideration the priorities of the Legislature and cast them into clear
outline of schedules that covers the work of Rules and Orders Committee, Portfolio
Committees, Household Committees, and many other activities. The Programming
Committee will also consider then National Programme adopted by the National
Assembly and National Council of Provinces.
Without the fully functioning programming committee, the Legislature oversight
function will be negatively affected, and measures put in place to ensure
accountability will not be implemented.
For further Enquiries Contact:
Mr. Life Mokone
Spokesperson and Head of Communication
Free State Legislature
Tel: (051) 407 1100
Cell: 076 231 6810
Acceptance SPEECH BY THE NEWLY ELECTED SPEAKER OF THE FREE STATE LEGISLATURE, Honourable Mxolisi Dukwana, at the Special Sitting of the House held on the 26 June 2024, at the Fourth Raadsaal, Bloemfontein.
Hon Members, let me take this opportunity to first congratulate members of the 7th Legislature for their designation as Members of this House, sworn in on the 14th of June as well as the swearing-in of a new Member of this House earlier today.
The conclusion of swearing-in of designated members marks the beginning of a journey of many miles. Now is the time for members to assume their full responsibilities as members of this House and as servants of the people.
Our political affiliations and ideologies and our religious beliefs has serious ramifications against progress in our province, yet our Africanness should force us to stay true to our oath and affirmation.
The Constitution of the Republic of South Africa enjoins us as Members of this House to assume without delay, the responsibilities bestowed upon us by the electorate. We are joined together not by our own will, but by the will of the people. We are duty and honour-bound to fulfil these expectations of the people by promoting good governance through our established oversight mechanisms.
The outcomes of the 2024 national and provincial elections, harmonised the fabric of our political governance system in the Legislature, in a way that enhances our capacity to play oversight over the executive and ensure accountability by elected representatives.
In its truest form, this outcome empowers us to address key challenges facing our people such as high unemployment, poverty, creation of jobs and improved service delivery through effective oversight. All these responsibilities are made possible through the framework of the Constitution and legislation.
In giving effect to the Constitution, members of this House will be assigned responsibilities in committees and Household Committees. As the Speaker and the Executive Authority, my support to Members will be essential for them in discharging their constitutional responsibilities.
Importantly, the responsibilities bestowed upon all of us as Members is a collective responsibility aimed at improved service delivery to our people as a priority without unnecessary political mudslinging. Honourable Members will be granted time to perform their Constuency work, while ensuring that greater focus is dedicated to the business of the Legislature.
Deputy Speaker, let me also take this opportunity to thank my organisation, the African National Congress for entrusting me with this responsibility. I will not take it lightly. Although it has been over 20 years since I was elected Speaker in this House, it remains a familiar territory for me. It is a foregone conclusion that together, we will go through difficult phases. This knowledge, history, and experience, your support as Members and the Administration team led by the Secretary, will be a fortress in the next five years.
I look forward to working with all of you through constructive engagements and cooperation and with one common goal, to serve the people of this Province.
On March 26, 2024, a significant milestone was reached in the formalization of structured engagements between the Free State Provincial Legislature (FSLP) and the South African Local Government Association (Salga) as they signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU). The signing ceremony took place at the Speaker’s boardroom in the Free State Legislature, marking the culmination of nearly 5 years of efforts to formalize their relations through the MOU. This achievement was made possible by the initial meeting between SALGA and FSL leadership in 2019, resulting in SALGA’s inclusion in the Rules and Orders of the FSLP.
The signing of the MOU signifies the formalization of their relations in written form, aiming to establish a consistent approach for SALGA’s involvement in the legislative, oversight, and public participation processes of the FSLP. By aligning these efforts, SALGA’s participation will be coherent and impactful across various governance areas within the FSL.
The event was attended by notable figures including the Speaker of the Free State Legislature, Hon. NB Sifuba, Deputy Speaker Hon. L. Mapena, SALGA Provincial Chairperson Cllr. Bongani Mathae, Secretary to the Legislature Mr. MJ Machaka, Acting Director of Operations Ms. Emily Kuzwayo, Director of Legal Services Ms. Connie Sefo, Senior Advisor for IGR and Strategic Relations Ms. Zanele Madadasana, and Manager in the Office of the Speaker Mr. Mashome Zondo
Free State Legislature Celebrates Human Rights Day 2024
To All Media Houses 21 March 2024
Bloemfontein – The Speaker of the Free State Legislature, Honourable Zanele Sifuba, joins all South Africans in commemoration of the Human Rights Day 2024. The 21st of March 1960 and in particular the events of Sharpeville in which the police released fire on marchers, killing 250 is a significant one in the history of our country. It takes us back to a time, not too long ago, when the majority of people in South Africans were actively oppressed on a daily basis. On that fateful day, 69 people died and 180 were wounded when police fired on a peaceful crowd that had gathered in protest against the Pass laws. This day marked an affirmation by ordinary people, rising in unison to proclaim their rights. It’s an iconic day in our country’s history that today we call Human Rights Day, reminding us of our rights and the price paid for us. As we celebrate Human Rights Day we should remember and acknowledge the great strides and progress made towards achieving a democracy based on non-racialism and non-discrimination. South Africa has included indivisible human rights in our own Bill of Rights, Chapter 2 of our Constitution. Our Constitution can only be changed by two-thirds majority in Parliament, which guarantees the basic rights of a citizen. Legislature’s role in Human Rights Day is guided by the values and principles of the Constitution. The Legislature seeks to represent and empower the people, and to facilitate meaningful and active involvement of civil society in its processes. The Constitutional mandate of the Legislature is to pass laws and oversee the executive action. Legislature must ensure that democratic processes become well-known and that they reach all citizens of our province and that the civil liberties of every citizen are maintained. As South Africans we should still remember that the fight still continues towards achieving economic empowerment and eradicate triple challenges of poverty, unemployment and inequality. This includes the uneven wealth distribution amongst different racial and gender groups. In that regard as we celebrate and commemorate the day, let us continue fighting towards economic emancipation of all South Africans through exercising our right to freedom of expression and vote in the coming general elections. Without all these rights, South Africans cannot fully enjoy life as envisaged by the Constitution.
“To deny people their human rights is to challenge their very humanity.” – Nelson Mandela